この時は{AnomalyDetection}が依拠するgeneralized ESD testの話をちょっと紹介しただけで、根底にある理論とかその他の類似手法などについては特に触れずじまいでした。
なのですが、上記のWater Treatment Plant Datasetをたまたま何度か触るようになって「これではいかん」と思った次第で、買ってきたのがこちらの書籍。
- 作者: 井手剛
- 出版社/メーカー: コロナ社
- 発売日: 2015/02/19
- メディア: 単行本
- この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る
Water Treatment Plant Datasetについて
Data Set Information:
This dataset comes from the daily measures of sensors in a urban waste water treatment plant. The objective is to classify the operational state of the plant in order to predict faults through the state variables of the plant at each of the stages of the treatment process. This domain has been stated as an ill-structured domain.
Attribute Information:
All atrributes are numeric and continuous
N. Attrib.
1 Q-E (input flow to plant)
2 ZN-E (input Zinc to plant)
3 PH-E (input pH to plant)
4 DBO-E (input Biological demand of oxygen to plant)
5 DQO-E (input chemical demand of oxygen to plant)
6 SS-E (input suspended solids to plant)
7 SSV-E (input volatile supended solids to plant)
8 SED-E (input sediments to plant)
9 COND-E (input conductivity to plant)
10 PH-P (input pH to primary settler)
11 DBO-P (input Biological demand of oxygen to primary settler)
12 SS-P (input suspended solids to primary settler)
13 SSV-P (input volatile supended solids to primary settler)
14 SED-P (input sediments to primary settler)
15 COND-P (input conductivity to primary settler)
16 PH-D (input pH to secondary settler)
17 DBO-D (input Biological demand of oxygen to secondary settler)
18 DQO-D (input chemical demand of oxygen to secondary settler)
19 SS-D (input suspended solids to secondary settler)
20 SSV-D (input volatile supended solids to secondary settler)
21 SED-D (input sediments to secondary settler)
22 COND-D (input conductivity to secondary settler)
23 PH-S (output pH)
24 DBO-S (output Biological demand of oxygen)
25 DQO-S (output chemical demand of oxygen)
26 SS-S (output suspended solids)
27 SSV-S (output volatile supended solids)
28 SED-S (output sediments)
29 COND-S (output conductivity)
30 RD-DBO-P (performance input Biological demand of oxygen in primary settler)
31 RD-SS-P (performance input suspended solids to primary settler)
32 RD-SED-P (performance input sediments to primary settler)
33 RD-DBO-S (performance input Biological demand of oxygen to secondary settler)
34 RD-DQO-S (performance input chemical demand of oxygen to secondary settler)
35 RD-DBO-G (global performance input Biological demand of oxygen)
36 RD-DQO-G (global performance input chemical demand of oxygen)
37 RD-SS-G (global performance input suspended solids)
38 RD-SED-G (global performance input sediments)
> d <- read.csv('watertreatment_mod.csv') > d.dist <- dist(d[,-1]) > d.hcl <- hclust(d.dist, method='ward.D2') > plot(d.hcl, labels=d[,1])
何となくサンプルサイズが小さくて、尚且つ孤立したように見えるクラスタがチラホラ見えます。これをK-meansでバシッと特定できれば良いのかなと思われるので、とりあえずK = 4, ..., 10で逐次試してみます。
> for (i in 4:10){ + km <- kmeans(d[,-1], centers=i) + print(table(km$cluster)) + } 1 2 3 4 176 61 39 104 1 2 3 4 5 16 70 156 88 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 31 16 119 75 87 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 40 130 48 65 81 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 84 64 16 3 40 63 67 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 45 3 65 53 44 64 16 83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 53 27 54 3 68 33 32 45 50 15
K > 7になると何故か3サンプルしか分類されないクラスタが連続して出てくるのが見て取れますね。これを特定すると、
> for (i in 8:10){ + km <- kmeans(d[,-1], centers=i) + cls <- which(table(km$cluster)==3) + print(d$date[km$cluster==cls]) + } [1] D-16/9/90 D-2/8/90 D-11/8/91 527 Levels: D-1/1/90 D-1/1/91 D-1/10/90 D-1/10/91 D-1/11/90 D-1/2/90 D-1/2/91 D-1/3/90 D-1/3/91 D-1/4/90 ... D-9/9/90 [1] D-16/9/90 D-2/8/90 D-11/8/91 527 Levels: D-1/1/90 D-1/1/91 D-1/10/90 D-1/10/91 D-1/11/90 D-1/2/90 D-1/2/91 D-1/3/90 D-1/3/91 D-1/4/90 ... D-9/9/90 [1] D-16/9/90 D-2/8/90 D-11/8/91 527 Levels: D-1/1/90 D-1/1/91 D-1/10/90 D-1/10/91 D-1/11/90 D-1/2/90 D-1/2/91 D-1/3/90 D-1/3/91 D-1/4/90 ... D-9/9/90